Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page last updated January 19th, 2021
Henning Family Kreis Eisenach, Thüringen Surname Index
Letter 'P'
(There is also a complete combined
index of all surnames documented on the entire
Patz (Etterwinden)
Anna Dorothea "Dorothea" Senf Patz, 1811-1872 (Etterwinden)
Anna Margaretha Lott Patz (Etterwinden)
Barbara Elisabeth Kühmal Patz, 1775-1838 (Etterwinden)
Carl Frederick Patz, 1874-1953 (Central City; Lake City; Hinsdale County; Hinsdale; Twin Falls)
Caroline Catharine Margarethe Patz, 1813-1849 (Etterwinden)
Catharina Margaretha Patz Wangemann, 1815-1873 (Etterwinden)
Christian Patz, 1810-1849 (Etterwinden)
Christine Wilhelmina Patz, 1868-1869 (Etterwinden)
Christinna Margaretha Patz Thomas (Etterwinden)
Dorothea Wilhelmine Patz, 1840- (Etterwinden)
Elias Patz, 1846-1919 (Etterwinden)
Elisabeth Patz Lieding, 1826- (Etterwinden; Taubenellenmühle)
Elisabeth Juliane Baumbach Patz
Eva Catharine Henning Patz, 1853- (Etterwinden)
Eva Katharina Patz Schlothauer, 1848- (Etterwinden)
Eva Margarethe Patz Henning, 1808-1868 (Etterwinden; Taubenellenmühle)
Eva Margarethe Christiane Patz, 1851-1852 (Taubenellenmühle)
Eva Margretha Henrietta "Henrietta" Loth Patz, 1832-1911 (Etterwinden; Central City; Lake City; Hinsdale County; Hinsdale; Twin Falls)
Eva Rosine Töpfer Patz, 1785-1839 (Etterwinden)
Evelyn L De Shong Patz, 1876-1954 (Los Angeles; Long Beach)
Flora H Patz Freedheim Compton, 1877-1959 (Lake City; Los Angeles; Arvada; West Arvada; Golden)
Gustave Augustus Patz, 1869-1909 (Central City; Lake City; Hinsdale County; Hinsdale; Twin Falls)
Johanes Patz, 1777-1855 (Etterwinden)
Johann Conrad "Conrad" Patz, 1834-1890 (Etterwinden; Central City; Lake City; Hinsdale County)
Johann Michael "Michael" Patz, 1812-1872 (Etterwinden)
Johann Peter "Peter" Patz, 1786-1851 (Etterwinden)
Johann Wilhelm "Wilhelm" Patz, 1819-1849 (Etterwinden)
Katharina Patz Henning, 1837-1866 (Etterwinden; Taubenellenmühle)
Laura E Cobbs Patz, 1872-1948
Louis Conrad Patz, 1878-1935 (Lake City; Hinsdale County; Cripple Creek; Los Angeles)
Minnie D Griffith Patz, 1881-1973
Frank Pitsch (Kenosha)
Frieda Wendland Stegner Pitsch, 1903-1996 (Sheboygan; Sheboygan Falls)
Joseph Pitsch, 1903-1993 (Kenosha; Sheboygan)
Mary Reischl Pitsch (Kenosha)