Jennifer Henning's Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2018 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created October 2nd, 2015, last updated January 16th, 2018
Rosa BALISTRERI, 1859- Margaret's aunt
Father Giuseppi Tommaso "Joseph" BALISTRERI, 1825-1887
Mother Rosa "Rose" MACHI Balistreri, 1835-
Sister Stefana BALISTRERI Balistreri, 1852-1875
Brother Gaetano BALISTRERI, 1856-1930
Rosa BALISTRERI, 1859-
Brother Andrea "Andrew" BALISTRERI, 1863-1942
Sister Rosa BALISTRERI Machi Balistreri, 1870-1946
Brother Pietro "Peter" BALISTRIERI, 1874-1959
Brother Francesco "Frank" BALISTRERI, 1877-1956
Time Line
24 January 1859 - Born at Sant' Elia, Palermo Province, Sicily
27 July 1863, age 4 - Brother Andrea "Andrew" BALISTRERI born there
Sometime before 1870 - Died there