Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created January 23rd, 2021
Maria METZ, 1906-1906 Walburga Sinzinger's brother-in-law's daughter
Father Georg METZ, 1881-1975
Mother Walburga PREIS Metz, 1880-1955
Maria METZ, 1906-1906
Brother Alois METZ, 1907-1977
Sister Theres METZ Edenharter, 1909-1948
Sister Walburga METZ Edenharter, 1911-1999
Sister Maria METZ Pöppl, 1922-1987
Time Line
9 February 1906 - Born at Mantlach, Kreis Kelheim, Bayern
18 May 1906 - Died there