Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2015 by
Jennifer Henning
This page last updated September 30th, 2015
Barbara SINZINGER, 1840- Walburga Sinzinger's aunt
Father Johannes Evangelist Jacob KARL, 1808-
Mother Catharina SINZINGER, 1810-
Sister Theresia SINZINGER, 1838-
Barbara SINZINGER, 1840-
Brother Wolfgang SINZINGER, 1843-
Brother Johann Baptista SINZINGER, 1847-
Brother Josef SINZINGER, 1849-
Time Line
3 November 1840 - Born at Grossetzenberg, Kreis Regensburg, Bayern
30 October 1843, age 2 - Brother Wolfgang SINZINGER born there