Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Jennifer Henning
This page created August 8th, 2012, updated August 12th, 2012
Johann Anton Joseph WALTER, 1761-1761 Emilie's great-great-great-uncle
Father Johann WALTER, 1728-1800
Mother Maria Susanna Walter, ca 1736-1803
Brother Johann Anton WALTER, 1759-1759
Johann Anton Joseph WALTER, 1761-1761
Sister Maria Theresia Susanna "Theresia" WALTER Moritz, 1763-1810
Brother Johann Anton Joseph WALTER, 1765-1765
Brother Franz Xavier Georg WALTER, 1766-1766
Brother Joseph Anton Johann WALTER, 1767-1774
Brother Johann Nepomuc Leopold WALTER, 1769-
Sister Anna Maria Barbara WALTER, 1770-1771
Sister Maria Susanna Theresia WALTER, 1772-1772
Sister Klara Barbara WALTER, 1774-1776
Brother Joseph Benedict WALTER, 1776-1776
Time Line
1 April 1761 - Born at Jägerndorf, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia
and baptized there.
Godparents were Anton Schirmer, Johann Sängrl and Barbara (Mrs. Johann Geörge) Bröhmer
18 April 1761 - Died there