Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2012 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created July 29th, 2012, last updated August 22nd, 2012
Maria Susanna MORITZ, 1804- Emilie's great-great-aunt
Father Carl Joseph MORITZ, 1747-1824
Mother Maria Theresia Susanna "Theresia" WALTER Moritz, 1763-1810
Sister Anna Maria Rosalina Elisabeth "Rosalina" MORITZ, 1784-1791
Sister Anna Theresia Zezilia MORITZ Czerner, 1787-
Brother Joseph Anton Florian MORITZ, 1789-
Brother Anton Johann Joseph MORITZ, 1791-1791
Brother Karl Joseph MORITZ, 1792-1792
Brother Karl Franz Anton MORITZ, 1794-
Brother Johann Nepom MORITZ, 1795-
Sister Anna Rosaline MORITZ, 1797-
Sister Maria Magdalena "Magdalena" MORITZ, 1799-1803
Brother Anton Paden Florian MORITZ, 1801-1801
Stillborn brother, 1802
Maria Susanna MORITZ, 1804-
Time Line
29 March 1804 - Born at Troppauer #5, Jägerndorf, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia
30 March 1804 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Anton Philig, cloth spool factory owner and Rosaline (Mrs. Anton) Philig
19 January 1808, age 3 - Sister Anna Theresia Zezilia MORITZ, age 20, married Josef CZERNER, age 24, there