Jenni Henning Komassa's German Genealogy Site

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Jennifer Henning Komassa
This page created June 30th, 2012, updated July 16th, 2012, last edited July 17th, 2012
Maria Theres Veronica "Theresia" SCHäNKE, 1771-1773 Emilie's great-great-aunt
Father Johann Georg "Georg" SCHENK
Mother Hedwig NATHER Schenk
Brother Johann Georg Leopold SCHäNK, 1769-1772
Maria Theres Veronica "Theresia" SCHäNKE, 1771-1773
Brother Georg Philipp "Philipp" SCHäNKE, 1773-1774
Brother Mathias SCHANKE, 1775-1778
Sister Eva Maria Elizabeth "Elizabeth" SCHäNKE, 1778-
Brother Andreas Mathias Joseph SCHäNKE, 1780-1851
Brother Franz Anton SCHäNKE, 1783-
Time Line
31 March 1771 - Born at Jägerndorf, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia.
Witnesses were Zachary Mende, butcher and Veronica Ordman
11 March 1772 - Brother Johann Georg Leopold SCHäNK, age 2, died at Leobschützer #31 there
10 March 1773, age 1 - Died at Leobschützer #31 there