Jenni Komassa's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2008 by
Jenni Komassa
This page created August 15th, 2008
Edmund Adolf HENNING, 1879-1881 Ludwig's mother's half-brother
Father Johannes HENNING, 1835-
Mother Martha Elisabeth Baldamina ASCHENBACH Henning, 1847-
Sister Eva Katharina HENNING, 1868-1868
Brother Georg Herrmann HENNING, 1869-
Sister Elisabeth Juliana HENNING, 1870-
Brother Johann Friedrich Louis HENNING, 1873-
Brother Ferdinand HENNING, 1875-
Sister Katharina HENNING, 1878-1878
Edmund Adolf HENNING, 1879-1881
Time Line
18 JAN 1879 - Born at Etterwinden, Kr Eisenach, Thüringen
4 APR 1880, age 1 - Half-sister Anna Margarethe HENNING, age 20, married Ernst Friedrich "Fred" RUDLOFF, age 24, at Wenigenlupnitz, Kr Eisenach, Thüringen
5 APR 1881, age 2 - Died at Etterwinden at 7:30 PM
9 APR 1881 - Buried there at 1:00 PM