Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site NavigationCopyright ©1998-2017 byThis page created May 5th, 2000, updated November 30th, 2014 |
| ![]() ![]() Knecht (farmhand), Dienstknecht (servant), Workman, Farmer Berthold's uncle ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 3 January 1847 - Born at Behlkow, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern at 11:00 PM 5 January 1847 - Baptized there. Godparents were Wilhelm Ferdinand "Ferdinand" WEITHKE, Halbbauer from Görke (the mother's brother-in-law), Heinrich Martin "Martin" BLOCK, Bauer from Darsow (the father's brother-in-law) and Charlotte Wilhelmine HAACK Polzin from Borntin (the mother's sister-in-law) 7 November 1849, age 2 - Grandfather Martin Gottlieb POLZIN, age 60, died at Borntin, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern 9 June 1850, age 3 - Mother Ernestine Wilhelmina POLZIN Riesch, age 37, died at Behlkow of Waßersucht (dropsy, edema) 20 December 1850, age 3 - Father Johann RIESCH, age 33, married Friederica Wilhelmine BUTZLAFF, age 24, at Gützlaffshagen, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern 6 September 1851, age 4 - Half-sister Maria Wilhelmine RIESS born there 14 February 1853, age 6 - Sister Frederike Wilhelmine Maria RIESS, age 14, died at Behlkow of Schlag (stroke, apoplexy) 12 July 1853, age 6 - Half-sister Emilie Friederika RIESS born there 19 December 1853, age 6 - Half-sister Emilie Friederika RIESS died there of Krämpfe (convulsions) 4 September 1854, age 7 - Half-sister Maria Wilhelmine RIESS, age 2, died there of Krämpfe (convulsions) 31 May 1855, age 8 - Half-sister Pauline Wilhelmine RIESS Frädrich born there 3 November 1856, age 9 - Half-brother Johann Gottfried Peter RIESS born there 15 December 1857, age 10 - Half-brother Johann Gottfried Peter RIESS, age 1, died there of Scharlachfieber (scarlet fever) 25 October 1858, age 11 - Half-sister Anna Therese Maria RIESS born there 16 March 1859, age 12 - Sister Rosalie Wilhelmine Johanna RIESS, age 19, died at Borntin of Auszehrung (tuberculosis) 28 August 1859, age 12 - Half-sister Anna Therese Maria RIESS died at Behlkow of die durchbruch der Zähne (teething) 28 February 1862, age 15 - Sister Caroline Dorothea Maria RIESS, age 17, married Friedrich Wilhelm BLANK, age 38, there 17 August 1862, age 15 - Half-sister Rosalie Auguste Sophia RIESS born there 20 November 1864, age 17 - Half-sister Rosalie Auguste Sophia RIESS, age 2, died there of Krämpfe (convulsions) 9 May 1865, age 18 - Half-brother Emil Friedrich Erdreich RIESS born there 25 July 1865, age 18 - Half-brother Emil Friedrich Erdreich RIESS died there of Krämpfe (convulsions) 4 September 1866, age 19 - Half-brother Otto Friedrich Ferdinand RIESS born there 1867, age 19 - Occupation listed as Knecht 27 March 1867, age 20 - Father Johann RIESCH, age 50, died at Behlkow of Abzehrung (tuberculosis) Until sometime after 1867 - Resided there As of sometime before 1870 - Resided at Wefelow, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern 1870, age 22 - Occupation listed as Dienstknecht 4 May 1870, age 23 - Grandfather's widow Johanna Friedericke "Friedericke" RATHKE Parpart Polzin, age 74, died at Borntin of Schlagfluß (apoplexy, stroke) About August 1871, age 24 - Emigrated at Stettin, Pommern and occupation listed as servant 1 September 1871, age 24 - Immigrated at New York, New York As of sometime before 14 September 1871 - Resided at Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin and occupation listed as workman 14 September 1871, age 24 - Married Hanne Bertha Henriette "Johanna" ERDMANN, age 23, at Paynesville, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Attendants were Ludwig Radke and August Radke 8 May 1874, age 27 - Half-sister Pauline Wilhelmine RIESS, age 18, married August Friedrich Wilhelm FRäDRICH, age 30, at Behlkow As of 1880 until sometime after 1910 - Occupation listed as farmer 17 June 1880, age 33 - Recorded in the Federal census at Haverhill Twp, Olmsted County, Minnesota
9 December 1895, age 48 - Wife Hanne Bertha Henriette "Johanna" ERDMANN Riess, age 47, died at Haverhill, Olmsted County, Minnesota of pneumonia due to typhoid fever 24 June 1898, age 51 - Naturalized at State of Minnesota District Court 3rd Judicial District, Olmsted County, Minnesota. Witnesses were Julius Sawinski and John Posz 16 June 1900, age 53 - Recorded in the Federal census at Haverhill Twp Sometime before 1905 - Brother-in-law Friedrich Wilhelm BLANK died at Klätkow, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern 14 June 1909, age 62 - Received land patent at E1/2 SW1/4 & lots 6 & 7, sec 6, twp 130N rng 92W, North Dakota 11 May 1910, age 63 - Recorded in the Federal census at Brampton Twp, Sargent County, North Dakota |