Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

Let me know if we are researching the same people or places.

Name and place indexes for this
entire web site.

Introduction to this web site.
Copyright ©2005-2022 by
Jennifer Henning
This page updated January 2nd, 2022
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
What is this site about?
This site is a consolidation of my genealogy research in two areas of
Germany and one area of Austrian Silesia (Czech Republic):
The site's 2658 pages include 37 maps, 248 photos,
and cross-linked pages of genealogical details on 1145 individuals
involving 313 surnames.
Who is included?
The site includes information on:
- My family's direct ancestors,
from some of my 8th-great-grandparents through my grandparents generation.
(People in more recent generations are not on the public web site for
privacy reasons.)
- Siblings of these ancestors and their spouses (great uncles/aunts).
- The children of these siblings (the first cousins n-times
- Selected other relations
Why are there several spellings for the same surname?
Prior to 1900 or so, there was no modern concept of a 'correct' way to
spell most surnames. Family names were spelled phonetically, and any
spellings that would give a similar pronunciation were considered to
be equally correct.
So Tscherner and Czerner
are both spellings of the 'same' name,
to reflect a 'German-ized' and 'Czech-ized' version of the same name,
and Strnad and Strnadt are yet another example of this
common practice.
The names Mayer, Meyer, Maier, and Meier
are a good example of four spellings of the same name that
would all be pronounced (in German) the same way.
Sometimes the spellings changed gradually
over time. Sometimes a spelling was simply the preference of a local
pastor or other record keeper, with different people spelling the same person's
name differently on different records.
Furthermore, many immigrants found their old favorite spelling was not
pronounced by Americans as they expected. So many changed the spelling to
maintain the desired pronunciation. E.g.Sterz in
Germany became Stertz in Wisconsin.
The surname index lists on this web site show all equivalent spellings
of a given surname together under a single heading.
For an individual, an attempt is made to use the 'most correct' spelling
of their surname, based on the following criteria:
- Their own preferred usage, if records in their own hand are
- Otherwise, the consensus of officially recorded documents (birth,
marriages, death, births of children, etc.)
- Otherwise, if no clear pattern, their original birth certificate,
if available.
- Otherwise, other contemporary records (census, etc.)
Applying these criteria can cause different people in the same family
group to have different surname spellings. But this is unavoidable
when the common spelling of a surname changes over the decades.
Why are some names in Italics?
When the name of a married woman is shown, her marital surname
is shown in italics after her complete birth name. In cases of
multiple marriages, each such marital surname is so appended.
In index lists, married women are indexed both under their birth surname
and under their married name or names.
What do the little colored 'LED' beads mean?
The colors of a little LEDs beads indicate how closely the individual is
related to the main ancestral line:
Yellow indicates a direct linear ancestor.
I.e. (great...) grandparents.
Orange indicates their siblings.
I.e. (great...) aunts/uncles.
Red indicates these siblings children.
I.e. first cousins (n-times removed).
Brown indicates all more distant blood relations.
Black are affines (e.g. everyone else).
When the LED is blinking, it indicates the person who's
page is currently being viewed.
What software was used to create this web site?
The software was custom designed for this site.
Please see the Technical Details section
for more information.