Jennifer Henning's Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created January 26th, 2021
BALISTRERI Margaret's cousin
Father Gaetano BALISTRERI, 1861-1943
Mother Rosa BALISTRERI Machi Balistreri, 1870-1946
Brother Francesco BALISTRERI, 1893-1907
Sister Antonina BALISTRERI Vella, 1897-1959
Brother Giuseppe "Joseph" BALISTRERI, 1898-1975
Brother Antonino BALISTRERI, 1900-1900
Sister Rosa BALISTRERI, 1900-1900
Brother Antonino BALISTRERI, 1902-2000
Sister Anna BALISTRERI Galioto, 1905-1988
Brother Francesco BALISTRERI, 1909-1976