Jennifer Henning's Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created January 26th, 2021, updated February 11th, 2021
Tommaso BELLANTI, 1912-1915 Margaret's uncle's brother-in-law's son
Father Pietro BILLANTE, 1869-1947
Mother Providenza TARANTINO Billante, 1875-1927
Sister Anna BELLANTI Parrino, 1898-1943
Sister Maria BELLANTI Speciale, 1900-1981
Brother Domenico S BELLANTI Sr, 1901-1966
Brother Antonino P. BELLANTI, 1903-1972
Sister Rosa BELLANTI Busalacchi, 1904-1973
Brother Giovanni BELLANTI, 1908-1957
Brother Giuseppe S. BELLANTI, 1910-1998
Tommaso BELLANTI, 1912-1915
Brother Santo BELLANTI, 1915-1970
Sister Catherine BELLANTI Castrogiovanni, 1919-1996
Time Line
10 May 1912 - Born at Sant' Elia, Palermo Province, Sicily
1915 - Buried by United French & German Cemetery
10 February 1915 - Died at Buffalo, Erie County, New York