Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Jennifer Henning
This page created September 28th, 2015, updated September 30th, 2015, last edited March 10th, 2018
Barbara METZ, 1819-1819 Walburga Sinzinger's father-in-law's aunt
Father Johann Georg "Georg" METZ
Mother Anna Margaretha "Margaretha" ENGL Metz, 1776-
Sister Anna Margareta METZ Stetner, 1805-
Brother Johann Michael METZ, 1806-
Sister Anna Maria METZ, 1809-1853
Brother Johann George METZ, 1810-1811
Brother Johann METZ, 1812-
Sister Walburga METZ, 1816-
Barbara METZ, 1819-1819
Brother Georg METZ, 1824-
Time Line
17 March 1819 - Born at Hinterthann, Kreis Regensburg, Bayern at 4:00 PM
and baptized.
Godparents were Georg Engl, Semicolonus from Hinterthann and Margaretha Weiss, midwife
17 July 1819 - Died