Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created July 1st, 2011, last updated February 19th, 2021
Rose SERDYNSKI Scibut, 1872- Marian Serdynski's aunt
Father Peter SERDYNSKI, -1888
Mother Franciska POPIELARZ Serdynski, ca 1841-1921
Sibling, 1874-1874
Sister Teresia SERDYNSKI, 1875-
Brother Stanley SERDYNSKI, 1875-1962
Brother Anthony H. SERDYNSKI, 1879-1965
Brother Albert SERDYNSKI, 1871-1953
Brother John SERDYNSKI, 1877-1949
Brother Walter SERDYNSKI, 1881-1946
Rose SERDYNSKI Scibut, 1872-
Sister Mary SERDYNSKI Manteufel Jaworski, 1868-
Brother Josephus SERDYNSKI, 1884-
Brother Jacobus SERDYNSKI, 1887-1891
Husband SCIBUT
Time Line
23 August 1872 - Born at Wenecja, Kreis Znin, Posen
30 August 1874, age 2 - Sibling born there
and died there
8 October 1875, age 3 - Sister Teresia SERDYNSKI born there
; Brother Stanley SERDYNSKI born there
10 August 1877, age 4 - Brother John SERDYNSKI born there