Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created February 19th, 2021
Dorothy SERDYNSKI Wypp Marian Serdynski's cousin
Father John SERDYNSKI, 1877-1949
Mother Antonette JANUS Serdynski, 1881-1961
Brother Stanley B SERDYNSKI, 1903-1954
Sister Gloria Helen SERDYNSKI, 1904-1954
Brother Sylvester G SERDYNSKI, 1905-1984
Brother Edmund John SERDYNSKI, 1907-1993
Sister Anne A SERDYNSKI Kralovec, ca 1910-1922
Brother Joseph Roman SERDYNSKI, 1915-2000
Brother Thaddeus George SERDYNSKI, 1919-1990
Dorothy SERDYNSKI Wypp
Husband Ervin WYPP
Time Line
22 August 1922 - Sister Anne A SERDYNSKI Kralovec, age 12, died at Chicago, Cook County Illinois