Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created February 19th, 2021
Adam MADRY, ca 1908- Marian Serdynski's sister-in-law's brother
Father Gregory MADRY, ca 1865-
Mother Rosalia NOWAK Madry, ca 1870E-
Brother Joseph MADRY, 1892-
Brother Bernard MADRY, ca 1897-
Brother Leo MADRY, 1907-1991
Brother Edward MADRY, ca 1899-
Adam MADRY, ca 1908-
Sister Bronislawa MADRY Serdynski, 1911-1964
Time Line
About 1908 - Born
26 December 1911, age 3 - Sister Bronislawa MADRY Serdynski born at Buffalo, Erie County, New York