Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created February 19th, 2021
Antonius SERDYNSKI, 1905-1905 Marian Serdynski's brother
Father Stanley SERDYNSKI, 1875-1962
Mother Frances GORNA Serdynski, 1876-1932
Sister Priscilla C. "Sadie" SERDYNSKI Rechlicz, 1900-1997
Antonius SERDYNSKI, 1905-1905
Sister Agnes SERDYNSKI Chmielewski, 1906-1984
Sister Marian Delores SERDYNSKI Komassa, 1909-1993
Brother Leo SERDYNSKI, 1913-1964
Brother Raymond A. SERDYNSKI, 1914-2003
Brother Harry J. SERDYNSKI, 1914-
Sister Sophie SERDYNSKI Rechlicz, 1918-2010
Sister Victoria SERDYNSKI, 1901-1909
Brother Ignatz SERDYNSKI, 1903-1909
Time Line
6 January 1905 - Born at Cerekwica, Poland
18 August 1905 - Died at Slembowo Huby, Kreis Znin, Posen of dysentery