Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2014 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created July 29th, 2012, last updated February 17th, 2014
Cornelius MORITZ, 1750- Emilie's great-great-great-uncle
Father Thadeus MORITZ, ca 1717-1776
Mother Anna Rosina "Rosina" Moritz, ca 1719-1799
Brother Johann Thadeus "Thadeus" MORITZ, 1744-
Sister Maria Elisabeth MORITZ, 1746-
Brother Carl Joseph MORITZ, 1747-1824
Cornelius MORITZ, 1750-
Sister Beata Renata MORITZ, 1752-
Brother Liebory MORITZ, 1754-1755
Sister Beata MORITZ, 1755-1756
Brother Libor MORITZ, 1760-1814
Brother Bartholomeus Hieronimus Liborius "Hyron" MORITZ, 1763-1805
Time Line
22 July 1750 - Born at Jägerndorf, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia
and baptized there.
Godparents were Friedrich Blaschke and Elisabeth (Mrs. Michael) Pompp
30 November 1752, age 2 - Sister Beata Renata MORITZ born at Troppauer #5 there
16 June 1754, age 3 - Brother Liebory MORITZ born at Troppauer #5 there
12 January 1755, age 4 - Brother Liebory MORITZ died there