Jenni Henning Komassa's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2012 by
Jennifer Henning Komassa
This page created June 30th, 2012, edited July 17th, 2012
Johann Ferdinand SCHäNKE, 1806-1806 Emilie's great-uncle
Father Andreas Mathias Joseph SCHäNKE, 1780-1851
Mother Eleonora RöSSLER Schänke, ca 1782-
Johann Ferdinand SCHäNKE, 1806-1806
Brother Anton Franz SCHENK, 1807-1807
Brother Johann Ferdinand SCHENK, 1809-
Sister Maria Klara SCHäNK, 1811-1812
Sister Anna SCHENK, 1814-1814
Brother Franz Anton SCHENK, 1817-1822
Brother Karl Albert SCHENK, 1819-1863
Brother Ernst Andreas SCHENK, 1822-1822
Brother Albert SCHENKE, 1824-
Brother Edmund Gabriel SCHENKE, 1826-
Time Line
4 March 1806 - Born at Troppauer #11, Jägerndorf, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia
and baptized there.
Godparents were Ferdinand Lariph, cloth maker and Johanna Blech, cloth maker
21 April 1806 - Died at Troppauer #11 there of Verzehrung (consumption)
24 April 1806 - Buried there