Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2017 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created January 23rd, 2017
Andreas STOPPEL, 1692- Emilie's fifth great-uncle
Father Gallus STOPPEL, 1669-
Mother Ursula ALBRECHT Stoppel, ca 1666-1721
Brother Martin STOPPEL, 1688-
Brother Christian STOPPEL, 1689-1695
Andreas STOPPEL, 1692-
Sister Catherina STOPPEL, 1695-
Brother Michael STOPPEL, 1698-
Brother Matthias STOPPEL, 1702-1702
Brother Johann STOPPEL, 1704-
Time Line
25 November 1692 - Born at Groß Herrlitz, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia
Baptized there.
Godparents were Georg Schers from Groß Herrlitz and Anna Marina Schirtor from Groß Herrlitz
26 March 1695, age 2 - Brother Christian STOPPEL, age 5, died there
9 October 1695, age 2 - Sister Catherina STOPPEL born there