Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Jennifer Henning
This page created November 30th, 2016, updated January 23rd, 2017
Chrystopf SCHNERCH, ca 1640- Emilie's sixth great-uncle
Father Hanß SCHNüRCH, -1695
Mother Anna Schnürch, 1617-1682
Chrystopf SCHNERCH, ca 1640-
Brother Hanß "Hanßel" SCHNüRCH, 1646-
Sister Anna SCHNüRCH, 1648-
Sister Dorothea SCHNüRCH, 1651-1653
Brother Andreas SCHNüRCH, 1653-
Brother Martin SCHNüRCH, 1655-
Brother Jacob SCHNERCH, 1659-1659
Sister Magdalena SCHNERCH, 1660-
Sister Barbarra SCHNERCH, 1663-
Time Line
About 1640 - Born at Groß Herrlitz, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia