Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2016 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created November 21st, 2016, last updated November 30th, 2016
Marianna SCHNIRCH, 1671- Emilie's fifth great-aunt
Father Hanß "Hanßel" SCHNüRCH, 1646-
Mother Marina PECHURA Schnürch, 1651-
Sister Susanna SCHNIRCH, 1671-
Marianna SCHNIRCH, 1671-
Brother Lorentz SCHNERCH, 1674-
Sister Marina SCHNIRCH, 1676-
Brother Johnnes SCHNIRCH, 1679-
Brother Andreas SCHNüRCH, 1683-
Brother Georg SCHNüRCH, 1685-
Time Line
29 August 1671 - Born at Groß Herrlitz, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia
; Sister Susanna SCHNIRCH born there
Baptized there.
Godparents included a corporal
15 July 1674, age 2 - Brother Lorentz SCHNERCH born there
18 August 1676, age 4 - Sister Marina SCHNIRCH born there