Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2016 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created September 9th, 2007, last updated October 16th, 2016
Edward Adolph KOLBE, 1815-1815 Emilie's great-uncle
Father Karl Johann KOLBE, 1768-1847
Mother Eleonora STOPPEL Kolbe, 1787-1847
Brother Alois KOLBE, 1809-1815
Brother Johann KOLBE, 1811-1884
Edward Adolph KOLBE, 1815-1815
Sister Francisca KOLBE, 1817-
Sister Karolina KOLBE, 1823-
Time Line
20 February 1815 - Born at #30, Eckersdorf, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia
21 February 1815 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Johann Ohehäeger, master blacksmith and Eleonora (Mrs Ignaz) Tichter, Erbrichter's wife
2 April 1815 - Died at #30 there of convulsions