Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Jennifer Henning
This page created July 16th, 2012, last updated October 31st, 2016
Anna Maria KOLB, 1764-1764 Emilie's great-great-aunt
Father Wenceslaus KOLB, ca 1721-1806
Mother Anna Elisabetha "Elisabetha" Kolb, ca 1740-1813
Anna Maria KOLB, 1764-1764
Brother Joseph KOLB, 1765-
Brother Karl Johann KOLBE, 1768-1847
Sister Maria Theresia KOLB, 1770-
Sister Maria Dorothea KOLB, 1773-
Brother Franz KOLB, 1775-
Brother Ignatz KOLB, 1778-1779
Brother Johann Francis KOLB, 1780-
Sister Elenora KOLB, 1784-1785
Time Line
22 May 1764 - Born at Eckersdorf, Kreis Troppau, Austrian Silesia
and baptized there.
Godparents were Johann Seehorz from Eckersdorf and Theresia Pietsch, farmer's daughter from Eckersdorf
3 November 1764 - Died there