Jenni Henning Komassa's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2011 by
Jennifer Henning Komassa
This page created August 19th, 2005, updated August 5th, 2011
Emil KOLBE, 1898-1899 Emilie's cousin
Father Emil KOLBE, 1856-1927
Mother Henrietta KOEBEL Kolbe, 1873-1959
Sister Henriette KOLBE, 1894-
Sister Amelia H. KOLBE, 1897-1897
Emil KOLBE, 1898-1899
Sister Lillian Rose Mary KOLBE, 1900-1998
Brother Emil C KOLBE, 1902-1983
Brother Karl KOLBE, 1904-1906
Sister Theresa KOLBE, 1904-
Brother Albert KOLBE, 1905-1921
Time Line
6 May 1898 - Born at Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
6 October 1899, age 1 - Died at Plymouth Twp, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin of infantile atrophy
7 October 1899 - Buried at Plymouth, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin