Jennifer Henning's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2021 by
Jennifer Henning
This page created February 24th, 2020, updated January 19th, 2021
Marcella WENDLAND, 1915-1928 Ludwig's half-sister's daughter
Father August WENDLAND, 1876-1946
Mother Anna Frieda Ottilie "Tilla" RUDLOFF Wendland, 1884-1970
Sister Frieda WENDLAND Stegner Pitsch, 1903-1996
Sister Violet L WENDLAND Soucheck, 1905-1979
Sister Wilma T WENDLAND Barthel, 1906-
Sister Hildegard WENDLAND Bawden, 1908-1997
Marcella WENDLAND, 1915-1928
Time Line
As of 1915 - Resided at 2233 N 15th St (7th Ward), Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
1 January 1915 - Born there
13 February 1926, age 11 - Sister Violet L WENDLAND, age 20, married Otto H SOUCHECK, age 22, at Holy Name Catholic Church there
1 October 1928, age 13 - Died there of Meningitis. Walter Henning remembers that no children were allowed to attend her funeral because of contagion concerns.