Jenni Henning Komassa's German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©2005-2010 by
Jennifer Henning Komassa
This page last updated January 29th, 2010, edited August 19th, 2010
Katherine RUDLOFF, 1883-1883 Ludwig's half-sister
Father Ernst Friedrich "Fred" RUDLOFF, 1855-1900
Mother Anna Margarethe HENNING Rudloff, 1859-1939
Sister Christinna Augusta Theresa "Trace" RUDLOFF Lynch Engelgau Lockbaum, 1880-1962
Brother Heinrich RUDLOFF, 1882-1882
Katherine RUDLOFF, 1883-1883
Sister Anna Frieda Ottilie "Tilla" RUDLOFF Wendland, 1884-1970
Brother Oskar RUDLOFF, 1887-1910
Brother Ernst Louis RUDLOFF, 1891-1973
Brother Otto RUDLOFF, 1892-1896
Time Line
13 May 1883 - Born at Gässchen, Wenigenlupnitz, Kreis Eisenach, Thüringen at 9:00 PM
24 June 1883 - Died there at 3:00 AM of "Kinnbacken Krämpf" jawbone spasm
26 June 1883 - Buried there at 3:00 PM