Hartig/Burmeister Family Album

This album contains many of the family photographs used in the Hartig/Burmeister Family area of this web site, in approximately chronological order.

To see a larger version of any image, click on either the small photo or on its name.

There are also many village photographs on this site that can be found by visiting the places index (click on the Places Index button at left, and then select a village).

Lydia Hartig Confirmation

Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin - 24 March 1918

Edward Benz - Viola Hartig Wedding

Milwaukee, Milwaukee Cty, Wisconsin - 28 August 1920

Alma and Charles Hartig's 50th Anniversary

Milwaukee, Milwaukee Cty, Wisconsin - July 1950

Studio photo for the Hartig's 50th wedding

Five Generations of Hartig Descendants

Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin - July 1974