Wife of a Hauswirth (landlord) Friederike's fourth great-grandmother Father Thomas PINGEL, ca 1651-1716 Mother Sophia PRöSCH Pingel, -1726 Brother Hans PINGEL, 1679-1679 Brother Daniel PINGEL, 1680-1756 Sister Anna Sophia PINGEL Borchert, 1682-1757 Brother Jochim PINGEL, 1686-1746 Brother Cheel PINGEL, 1688- Sister Elisabeth PINGEL, 1690- Sister Dorothea PINGEL, 1692-1692 Sister Margaret Dorothea PINGEL, 1694- Brother Thomas PINGEL, 1696- Sister Sophia PINGEL, 1700- Christina "Stine" PINGEL Augustin, 1702-1775 Husband Claus "Short Claus" AUGUSTIN, 1688-1769 Daughter Sophia Regina "Fieck" AUGUSTIN Brant, 1721-1793 Daughter Anna Catherina AUGUSTIN, 1724-1730 Son Claus AUGUSTIN, 1728-1729 Son Hans AUGUSTIN, 1730-1730 Son Jochim AUGUSTIN, 1731-1735 Daughter Maria AUGUSTIN Pingel, 1734-1789 Daughter Stine AUGUSTIN, 1737- Daughter Anna AUGUSTIN, 1737- Son Johan AUGUSTIN, 1742- 4 October 1702 - Born at Hof #1, Damerow, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
6 October 1702 - Baptized there. Godparents included Anna Pingel and David Harbrecht 11 December 1702 - Grandfather Cheel PINGEL, age 94, died there 4 December 1704, age 2 - Brother Daniel PINGEL, age 24, married Dorothea SCHWANCK, age 23, at Raduhn, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 23 June 1711, age 8 - Sister-in-law Dorothea SCHWANCK Pingel, age 29, died there of consequence of childbirth 4 November 1711, age 9 - Brother Jochim PINGEL, age 25, married Anna Elisabeth "Liese" ROHDE, age 21 1712, age 9 - Brother Daniel PINGEL, age 31, married Maria GOTTSCHALCK, age 21 1716, age 13 - Father Thomas PINGEL, age 65, died at Damerow Sometime before July 1720 - Married Claus "Short Claus" AUGUSTIN 3 December 1721, age 19 - Daughter Sophia Regina "Fieck" AUGUSTIN Brant born at Hof #14, Raduhn 4 October 1724, age 22 - Daughter Anna Catherina AUGUSTIN born at Hof #14 there 27 February 1726, age 23 - Mother Sophia PRöSCH Pingel died at Damerow 14 February 1728, age 25 - Sister-in-law Maria GOTTSCHALCK Pingel, age 37, died at Raduhn 21 June 1728, age 25 - Son Claus AUGUSTIN born at Hof #14 there 6 July 1729, age 26 - Son Claus AUGUSTIN, age 1, died there of sudden infant death syndrom 27 October 1729, age 27 - Brother Daniel PINGEL, age 48, married Dorothea "Dorthie" SCHRöDER there 2 September 1730, age 27 - Son Hans AUGUSTIN born at Hof #14 there 27 September 1730, age 27 - Son Hans AUGUSTIN died there 12 October 1730, age 28 - Daughter Anna Catherina AUGUSTIN, age 6, died there 14 September 1731, age 28 - Son Jochim AUGUSTIN born at Hof #14 there 1734, age 31 - Stepdaughter Christine "Stien" AUGUSTIN, age 17, married Hans Jacob BORCHERDT, age 33, there 19 October 1734, age 32 - Daughter Maria AUGUSTIN Pingel born at Hof #14 there 29 November 1735, age 33 - Son Jochim AUGUSTIN, age 4, died there 21 July 1736, age 33 - Father-in-law Claus AUGUSTIN, age 93, died there 5 July 1737, age 34 - Daughter Stine AUGUSTIN born at Hof #14 there ; Daughter Anna AUGUSTIN born at Hof #14 there 23 June 1742, age 39 - Son Johan AUGUSTIN born at Hof #14 there 13 November 1744, age 42 - Daughter Sophia Regina "Fieck" AUGUSTIN, age 22, married Hans BRANT there 15 March 1746, age 43 - Mother-in-law Anna BORCHARD Augustin, age 86, died there 19 May 1746, age 43 - Brother Jochim PINGEL, age 60, died at Damerow 2 February 1748, age 45 - Grandson Hans Jochim BRANDT born at Hof #1, Raduhn
As of sometime before 1751 - Resided at Hof #14 there Sometime before 1751 - Brother-in-law Christoffer BORCHERT died 14 May 1751, age 48 - Recorded in the Beichtkinderverzeichnisse census at Raduhn 16 November 1753, age 51 - Daughter Maria AUGUSTIN, age 19, married Andreas Christian PINGEL, age 27, there 21 December 1754, age 52 - Granddaughter Sophia Dorothea PINGEL born there 19 December 1756, age 54 - Brother Daniel PINGEL, age 76, died there 19 March 1757, age 54 - Granddaughter Sophia Dorothea PINGEL, age 2, died there of Blattern (measles, pox) 15 April 1757, age 54 - Sister Anna Sophia PINGEL Borchert, age 74, died there of Schwindsucht (consumption) 6 October 1758, age 56 - Grandson Johann Daniel PINGEL born there 13 January 1759, age 56 - Brother's widow Anna Elisabeth "Liese" ROHDE Pingel, age 68, died at Damerow 28 December 1761, age 59 - Grandson Jochim Heinrich PINGEL born at Raduhn 28 September 1764, age 61 - Granddaughter Maria Elisabeth PINGEL Augustin Lembke born there 20 June 1766, age 63 - Brother's widow Dorothea "Dorthie" SCHRöDER Pingel died there 27 August 1769, age 66 - Grandson Christian Heinrich PINGEL born there 19 November 1769, age 67 - Husband Claus "Short Claus" AUGUSTIN, age 81, died there 16 November 1770, age 68 - Grandson Hans Jochim BRANDT, age 22, married Anna Dorothea AUGUSTIN, age 17, there 7 November 1775, age 73 - Died there |