Darsow  (Now Darzewo)
Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern
(Click on picture for larger image)
Farmstead in Darsow Barn in Darsow

Map of Darsow
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Map dates from 1891, updated 1941. It covers an area of approximately 1.3 by 0.8 km (0.8 by 0.5 US miles).

Map image was adapted from 1:25K Prussian Landsaufnahme, page 1958

Related Families in Darsow

The following table shows which of the individuals included in this web site are connected to Darsow and over what time span they are found here.

SurnameGiven names and the range of dates the person was found in Darsow
 Block  Heinrich Martin 1840; Heinrich Martin 1800..1847; Maria 1854; Peter 1797..1832
 Breger  Catharina 1800
 Kressin / Krössin / Kroessin  August Wilhelm 1840; Fredericka 1816; Johann 1801..1874; Marie 1822; Martin 1818..1840; Martin 1790..1830; Martin 1782..1801
 Pagenkopf  Engel 1826..1880
 Polzin/Poltzin  August Friedrich Wilhelm 1843; Johann 1825
 Radtke / Radke / Rathke  Ludwig 1824
 Riess / Ries(c)h / Riehs  Sophia 1832..1843
 Rüge  Dorothea 1816..1822; Engel 1786..1801
 Scheer/Schär  Hans 1830..1855; Wilhelmine 1833..1855
 Treptow  Maria 1840