Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Map of Dargelütz
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Map dates from 1879, updated 1919. It covers an area of approximately 1.3 by 0.8 km (0.8 by 0.5 US miles).

Map image was adapted from 1:25K Prussian Landsaufnahme sheet 2537 (Parchim), old sheet 1133

Related Families in Dargelütz

The following table shows which of the individuals included in this web site are connected to Dargelütz and over what time span they are found here.

SurnameGiven names and the range of dates the person was found in Dargelütz
 Cammin  Caroline Elisabeth Christiana 1843; Friedrich Christian Johann 1846; Friedrich Gottlieb Christian 1809..1855; Johann August Gottlieb 1809..1864; Johanna Dorothea Henrica 1835; Maria Dorothea Wilhelmine 1837..1847; Maria Friederica Dorothea 1840; Wilhelm Friedrich Theador 1833
 Thies(s) / Ties(s)  Elisabeth Helena Georgine 1832..1846