Walburga Preis
Walburga PREIS Metz, 1880-1955
Wife of a Zimmerer (carpenter)
Alois's sister-in-law

 Father Josef PREIS
 Mother Walburga SCHAUER Preis, 1840-
       Walburga PREIS Metz, 1880-1955

 Husband Georg METZ, 1881-1975
       Daughter Maria METZ, 1906-1906
       Son Alois METZ, 1907-1977
       Daughter Theres METZ Edenharter, 1909-1948
       Daughter Walburga METZ Edenharter, 1911-1999
       Daughter Maria METZ Pöppl, 1922-1987

Time Line

22 December 1880 - Born at Wieseneck, Kreis Kelheim, Bayern

Resided at Maierhofen, Kreis Kelheim, Bayern

5 May 1905, age 24 - Married Georg METZ, age 24, at Maierhofen, Bayern

11 July 1905, age 24 - Father-in-law Johann Friedrich METZ, age 67, died at Mantlach, Kreis Kelheim, Bayern

9 February 1906, age 25 - Daughter Maria METZ born there

18 May 1906, age 25 - Daughter Maria METZ died there

21 August 1907, age 26 - Son Alois METZ born there

5 March 1909, age 28 - Daughter Theres METZ Edenharter born there

24 December 1911, age 31 - Daughter Walburga METZ Edenharter born there
Walburga (Preis) Metz with her Children

20 December 1922, age 41 - Daughter Maria METZ Pöppl born at Maierhofen

3 November 1928, age 47 - Granddaughter Ida ENGL born

12 February 1936, age 55 - Son Alois METZ, age 28, married Theres KARGL, age 28

12 May 1936, age 55 - Daughter Theres METZ, age 27, married Vinzens EDENHARTER, age 31

February 1937, age 56 - Granddaughter Theres METZ Gassner born at Neulohe, Kreis Kelheim, Bayern

April 1937, age 56 - Granddaughter Theres EDENHARTER Hackermeier born in Thonhausen

December 1938, age 58 - Granddaughter Walburga METZ Zanner born in Neulohe

2 May 1940, age 59 - Grandson Alois EDENHARTER born at Thonhausen, Kreis Regensburg, Bayern

May 1940, age 59 - Granddaughter Maria METZ Riepl Necker born in Neulohe

April 1944, age 63 - Granddaughter Alosia METZ Reithmeier Zimmermann born there ; Granddaughter Margaretha METZ Sr M born there ; Granddaughter Anna METZ Pöppl born there
Michael Schmid - Theresia Metz 50th Wedding Anniversary

December 1947, age 66 - Granddaughter Barbara METZ Jäger born at Neulohe

May 1948, age 67 - Grandson Josef EDENHARTER born in Thonhausen

24 May 1948, age 67 - Daughter Theres METZ Edenharter, age 39, died at Thonhausen

14 September 1948, age 67 - Daughter Walburga METZ, age 36, married Vinzens EDENHARTER, age 43

5 October 1948, age 67 - Daughter Maria METZ, age 25, married Johann PöPPL, age 23

July 1949, age 68 - Grandson Alois PöPPL born at Maierhofen

14 February 1951, age 70 - Granddaughter Theresia PöPPL Frisch born there

March 1952, age 71 - Granddaughter Mariele PöPPL Gemüller born there

April 1952, age 71 - Granddaughter Anna EDENHARTER Silberhorn born at Thonhausen

17 March 1955, age 74 - Died at Painten, Kreis Kelheim, Bayern