Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Mitch Blank
This page created February 10th, 2009, updated May 26th, 2010
Friderich Ludwig Carl BORCHERT, 1817- Friederike's first cousin twice removed
Father Hartwig George BORCHERT, 1780-
Mother Elisabeth Dorothea "Dorothea" THIESS Borchert, 1778-
Sister Margareta Dorothea BORCHERT, 1801-
Sister Margareta Sophia Lucia BORCHERT, 1803-
Sister Johanna Elisabet Friderica BORCHERT, 1805-
Brother Johann Hartwig Joachim BORCHERT, 1807-
Brother Hans Carl "Carl" BORCHERT, 1809-1875
Sister Elisabeth Maria Johanna BORCHERT Mulsow, 1811-1837
Brother Friederich Ludwig Johann BORCHERT, 1813-
Sister Friderice Helene Caroline BORCHERT, 1815-1884
Friderich Ludwig Carl BORCHERT, 1817-
Time Line
24 May 1817 - Born at Schlieven, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
26 May 1817 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Ludwig Borchert, Tagelöhner from Frauenmark, Carl Friedrich "Fritz" WARNKE, Tagelöhner (the father's brother-in-law) and Carolina Elisabet "Lisy" BORCHERT Warnke (the father's sister)
30 August 1819, age 2 - Recorded in the Mecklenburg-Schwerin census there